Monday, January 16, 2012


i cant believe i forgot but me and MF SAUCE are getting the BROKEN GLASS KIDS group going and we got two blogs up already. again... im sorry for being so late on this...
#1 is the intro

#2 is the BIG NEWS one...

so with that being said... thats right the mixtape is gonna be TWO DISKS... and make sure you keep an eye out for #3 and the first single off of the mixtape... thats all...

Friday, January 13, 2012

where you been?

damn everyone... im sorry theres such a lack of me as of late... me and MF SAUCE are working real hard on getting this mixtape done... its gonna crazy dope and we got big news coming as far as The Broken Glass Kids goes so stay tuned for the next BGK blog... on a side note... im working on something else too... should be done in a month or so... consider it my apology for being away for so long... i'll let you know more soon... thanks for being patient...