Monday, August 29, 2011


okokok its been a while so let me fill everyone in on whats been going on as of late...

after a shit load of technical difficulties Monster Movie Throwdown is up and running. Im showing a different monster/kaiju/horror/scifi/classic/cult film every thursday at 10pm CT. if your interested heres the link...
Monster Movie Throwdown
this thursday imma do a spectreman marathon... picking out 4 badass episodes to show... make sure your there to check it out...
your wondering "why a new track RNM?" wellllllllllllllllllll...
ive started work on the mixtape "RNM & Friends VS The Mainstream". its gonna be awesome. im talking to alot of different people trying to get collabs going and so far i have some massive amounts of awesome that im ready to unleash. now like always whenever i release a cd. its going to be available HERE for download. that will never change that... but just for fun and so i can make it a little more personal. imma have actual copies of the cd for yall... and im going to do an official release at... wait for it...
The White Rabbit
2410 N. St. Marys
San Antonio, TX

thats right dudes and dudettes WICKEDFEST3 is gonna happen and its going to be on SEPTEMBER 29th!!! and there is an insane line up. there has been so many requests for it so its going to happen... THE GROUP OF DEATH is gonna be performing at WICKEDFEST3!!!! and if that wasnt enough... all the way from Portland Oregon, TRAGEDY 503 is gonna be in the house and if THAT wasnt enough... KNOTHEAD is going to be there too!!! and if THAT wasnt enough we cant forget about all the other artists. without a doubt the best underground music texas has to offer. i aint lyin yall... me and sauce are working so hard to figure out something dope to do for this... i think its safe to say that we topped our set at wickedfest1, now we have to top wickedfest2. i dont know how we're gonna do it but i look foward to trying.

and i just received word today. the HTV podcast is going to be back in full effect SEPTEMBER 6TH!!!!

damn yo... theres so much badass stuff going on its hard to concentrate. let me go ahead and sum it all up real quick...
Monster Movie Throwdown every thursday @10pm CT
HTV Podcast returns- September 6th
RNM & Friends VS The Mainstream- September 29th
WICKEDFEST 3- September 29th
The White Rabbit
2410 N. St. Marys
San Antonio, TX

i hope you people are ready for all that... mark your calendars and get ready...

Monday, August 15, 2011

trying new things...

im branching out a little bit...
i made a ustream channel and im going to be showing old (and some newer) monster movies on there. i was on the youtubes last night and i started looking up godzilla stuff and i started remembering how much i loved those movies. i also realized how many people are unfamiliar with what a kaiju film really is. more so horror and sci-fi just doesnt have the same feel as most older movies do. so starting soon, i'll be showing alot of different movies that i grew up with as well as some that i found once i discovered the magic that is the internet. i'll let you know when i have an official start date but for the time being heres the page it will be broadcast from...
RNM's Monster Movie Throwdown
and make sure to like the Facebook at
Monster Movie Throwdown

other than that i'll be posting a new video later on this week. i'll let you know when its up.


Thursday, August 4, 2011


WICKED FEST IS DONE AND EVERYTHING WENT BADASSLY!!! for real though awesome show i hope everyone had a badass time i know i did for sure. as soon as i get any footage imma post it up... until then, as promised... heres the super secret cover song me and MF sauce have been talking about so much... enjoy...


Tuesday, August 2, 2011

HTV podcast tonight

make sure tonight you check out the HTV PODCAST. imma be there with the crew talking about all the goings on from TEXAS HEAT WRESTLING and THE TREY SHOW... and of course we're gonna talk about this thursday when SAN ANTONIO'S JUGGALOS presents WICKEDFEST 2... be sure to check it out... its gonna be good times.